Frequently Asked Questions
Question: I’m experiencing difficulties placing an on line order and checking out
Answer: Please contact us, we will be able to create a voucher sale over the phone, take payment and arrange postage
Question: How do I print my e mail voucher?
Answer: Your voucher will arrive by e mail as a PDF attachment, please open the PDF attachment and print, the quality of the print finish will be determined by the spec of your printer.
Question: What delivery and postal options do I have?
- Gift Vouchers can be emailed free of charge.
- Can be mailed 1st class in a gift wallet £5.95
Question: Can I have a VAT receipt for my purchase
Answer: We do not supply VAT receipts on voucher sales; however VAT receipts can be issued on the redemption of the voucher
Question: I’ve received my voucher and there is a mistake on it can I get it amended?
Answer: Yes please do contact us, we can amend or re issue a voucher
Question: I’ve lost my voucher can I still make a booking?
Answer: Vouchers can be retrieved from the system and re issued, but please do contact us as this is solely at the discretion of the manager on duty at the time of the query
Question: Can I extend or refund my voucher?
Answer: Unfortunately vouchers cannot be refunded, we may however extend in exceptional circumstances, please do contact us.
Question: I have only part used my voucher, can I carry forward the balance
Answer: Experience vouchers are for a single transaction, monetary vouchers can be part redeemed, the balance will be carried forward to use at a later date.
Question: How do I redeem my voucher?
Answer: Prior booking is essential, please contact us on the following telephone number:01326 240328 or e mail us